My Story

This whole thing started as an AI assignment

This was the initial prompt: i want to have a card game of 21 number cards and 31 function cards to where the objective is to get 3 cards of the same number in your hand by trading each turn. before the game starts i want to have each player draw 5 cards 3 from the number and two from the function and place face down what number card they want to play for. Each turn they can draw a card, place down a number card of the same number, they can place down a function card or they can trade with another player. if they trade they can only tell what they offer and they can request either a number card or a function card. they can only have 7 cards in their hand at a time before having to do something. Can this card game function? how many players could play and what are the options for more players. could there be a increase in numbers or function cards to make the game more exciting? can you design these cards with some variation of what exciting functions would be?

I used AI technology to create a lot of the concept artwork. I also mixed AI-generated designs with my own art to develop the cards effectively. This teamwork has resulted in a unique look that blends innovative AI features with my personal style.

The game is still expanding with more elements and game mode concepts. I have about five more elements that have been playtested and four more game modes in the works. I am still creating all of these in my spare bedroom, and each deck takes a couple of days to produce. With that being said, I will update the store regularly with inventory, and I hope to reach a point where I can get the cards printed and cut professionally to produce more copies. Even if you don't want to get the game, sharing it with other people would be a huge help. I'm not even sure people read these updates, so I will include some additional information here. Some of the cards I am working on include Gravity and Prism. One of the game modes, working title "Lies Lies Lies," is probably one of the most fun game modes I have designed, but it is also the most complicated at the moment. I’ve been tweaking the rules each time it’s played to ensure it feels balanced.